You know how cartoons would hype up a “lost episode” as a way of turning 20-minutes of television into some kind of media event? What the hell was a lost episode anyway, did they have to stop SpongeBob from condemning the Iraq War ?
Anyway, this is kind of like that.
For those of you who listen to my music on Apple Music, Spotify, or any other major streaming service, you may have been surprised to have seen it all disappear at some point in the past couple months. Long story short, the label that I had been using is now defunct and while I was warned in advance, I did not re-upload of my own accord. Now that I have, I’ve decided to put all of the music on these services (including the Billy Moon material) under name Tearing Up. It’s not a denial or dismissal of Billy, it’s just a way to put all of the material I’ve released in context with itself. Tearing Up came out of Billy Moon, and I don’t really have an issue putting the younger, snottier version of me next to an older, less-snottier one. One is tearing up, the other is tearing up.
I’ve also realized that this is a good time to release a song that accidentally did not go on Heavy. My own lost episode. When I say “accidentally,” I mean that I somehow moved the file out of the folder that I had sent to my distributor.
Yes that is exactly what happened. If you’re reading this you may have heard it on the initial Bandcamp release. I had included it in the original album visualizer as well as the initial PDF booklet. This was a pretty big goof on my part, but I don’t think anyone noticed.
The riff in the song is one that I shamelessly stole from a band from Sudbury. It was originally written by Dawson Quail and I was incredibly pleased to receive their blessing in releasing it. Thanks, man.
The story behind the song “Almost Like It” is something I’ve talked about before, so I don’t really think it needs much more explanation. This comic I wrote in 2020 called “Three Legs” does a better job of capturing the story than I could re-hashing it. I’ve included it here:
“Almost Like It” comes out August 19th.